Our charity recommendations are based on the research of GiveWell.
GiveWell is a non-profit research institute that conducts evidence-based analyses to identify the most cost-effective charities in the world.
Learn more about GiveWell’s research here.
Donation options

GiveHealth's top recommendation is to set up a recurring donation to GiveWell’s Top Charities Fund.
This fund allocates donations to GiveWell’s 4 Top Charities (shown below) based on cost effectiveness and funding gaps. GiveWell takes no fees from this fund and donating to it allows flexible and responsive funding to be directed to the area most in-need.
Malaria Consortium
Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention Program
Malaria kills over 400,000 people annually, mostly children under 5 in sub-Saharan Africa. Seasonal malaria chemoprevention is preventive medicine that saves children’s lives. It is given during the four months of the year when malaria infection rates are especially high.
Malaria Consortium can protect a child from malaria for about $7.
Donations can be made in a variety of currencies.

Malaria kills over 400,000 people annually, mostly children under 5 in sub-Saharan Africa. Bed nets save lives. People hang the nets up and sleep underneath them, so they aren't bitten by malaria-carrying mosquitoes.
Against Malaria Foundation can provide one net for about $5.
Donations can be made in a variety of currencies.
Helen Keller International
Vitamin A Supplementation Program
Vitamin A deficiency leaves children vulnerable to infections and causes the deaths of over 200,000 children each year. This program saves lives by providing vitamin A supplements to children under 5 years old.
Helen Keller International can provide vitamin A supplementation for about $1.
Donations can currently only be made in USD.

In Nigeria, 43% of infants did not receive all recommended childhood vaccines in 2019. This program provides cash transfers to incentivize caregivers to bring babies to clinics for routine childhood vaccinations. It operates in North West Nigeria.
New Incentives can vaccinate a child for about $142.
Donations can currently only be made in USD, and recurring donations only available in the US.